Why zzircular?

It’s not traditional housekeeping, It is professional stewardship.  

If you want to be a Super-Host, you need to rely on professionals that know hospitality and understand what has to be done to go above and beyond traditional housekeeping and residential cleaning to keep rental properties in optimal condition and provide nurturing experiences for your guests.

Introducing the first certified cleaning service for vacation and short term rentals in Charlotte, NC. Our experienced and specialized team is ready to process your scheduled turnovers and respond to last minute checkout urgencies. Accommodate your arrivals without inconveniences like no traditional housekeeping or commercial cleaning can do.

What professional means:

Certified Vacation Rental Cleaning.

Experienced hospitality experts from Hotel industry.

Background checked and insured work force.

No subcontractors.

Customized pricing & Service.

Quality Checks.

Fast turnover.

Real time communication.

100% satisfaction guaranteed.

What makes zzircular special?

Our certified cleaning service for Vacation Rentals

is also the first to include a Zero Waste cleaning service and Zero Emissions practices

designed to close the loop of linear lodging and turn your accommodation into a circular sanctuary.

Zero Waste Cleaning

Zero Waste Vacation Rental Cleaning It’s a discipline that evolves constantly to integrate features across the guest journey that enhance satisfaction and allows a streamlined circular waste management process.

We use our hospitality experience to carefully select quality eco-friendly amenities and cleaning products to set a gentle and enjoyable environment that your guests will remember every time they book a new reservation.

After checkout, the magic happens. A new way of cleaning turns every dirty space into a nurturing accommodation that is safe for pets, kids and families.

By leaning on local partnerships, we disrupt the linear lifecycle of consumables heading to brownfields from the source. Now, these materials can go straight back to the supply chain and stay away from parks, rivers, forests, ocean, etc.

As stewards of local, the first part of our mission is to prevent the pollution of natural ecosystems and we mean it.

Zero Emission practices

To Close the loop we invest in ways to offset the carbon footprint of our vacation rental services and properties as much as possible.

Did you know that a single pine tree can generate up to 1kg oxygen a year? An acre of trees can off set up to 40tons of Co2 per year.

Our cleaning service for vacation rentals supports local municipalities and organizations in their mission to restore the canopy of towns, cities and country side areas that ultimately add value to Vacation Rentals.

Our goal is to plant a tree for every cleaning service delivered. Sounds too little? A single Vacation rental can host between 2-5 stays per week. This turns into a project of 8-20 trees every month. A nice property/tree ratio that compounds overtime. Call it passive offsetting.

This initiative may sound a bit repetitive given the amount of “business with purpose” out there. But where do we come from?

Where did it all start?


In 1999 Dr Jose Joaquin Cabrera Malo (JJ) took his grandkids for a trip to Uverito, Anzoategui. (Venezuela) to spend a few days in the woods. After a 2 day drive from Caracas, Miranda, they made it safely, arriving at a designated cabin with river front to begin their first ever bed and breakfast experience.

The purpose of the trip was to have an adventure they could remember for a life time. Little they knew grand pa’ had something else cooking in the back burner.

Turns out, the little “vacation” village was no other than a camping cabin located in the heart of what was later revealed to them as The Uverito Forest. The real purpose of the trip was to celebrate the harvest of the three #1.000.000 and the planting of 10 new trees as it was “the way”. But how did a forest this big came to be?

In 1966, JJ was formally approved to start what 30 years later will be known as the The Uverito Forest, The Biggest Man Made Forest of World reaching an extension of 600.000 hectares valued at $350.000.000 and It all started in a small nursery established in Cachipo, north of Monagas Estate in Venezuela.

With government funding, a project to boost the country’s economy mostly based on oil production took off. The main objectives were to retain capital ($200 millions/yr), stop the raw material importation needed to manufacture newspapers and start a sustainable platform to diversify production pulp in order to cover national demand and then some.

Environmentally speaking, every hectare of pine tree offsets up to 10 ton/yr. Unfortunately, the plantation has suffered an incredible loss of +200.000 hectares due to mismanagement and extreme climate conditions. Nonetheless, the work continues to this day.

zzircular’s vision is to continue this great endeavor beyond Venezuela promoting a balance between ecology and economy.

Are you ready to turn your vacation rental

into a zzircular sanctuary?